Horoscopes and Chinese Zodiac Signs --Gemini Love Traits--

Those born under the zodiac of Gemini are intelligent and witty. Yet somehow they end up completely confused and clueless. They need new things to keep them stimulated, as they get bored too quickly. Born under the sign of the twins, Geminis live a carefree life with lots of new moves thrown in. They are quite sensitive, especially towards the suffering of the others. Courteous, kind and generous are some of the other words that describe the personality of a Gemini individual. Also, they love to talk and lively and thoroughly entertaining. They are fun to be with and you can never be bored in the company of a Gemini.

• They love excitement and variety in love.
• Geminis love to be pampered silly.
• They tend to be very possessive, be it any relationship.
• They tend to be very choosy when it comes to love.
• Born flirts, Geminis love to flirt and it is mostly harmless and fun.
• They generally associate with a partner who is intellectually stimulating and provide the variety they crave for.
• Their dating and seduction style stands out and they will never do the same stuff twice.

Perfect love match: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.